Thursday, January 7, 2010


i know... another national chain... but hey! you can't beat the spicy chicken sandwich. or apparently the spicy chicken nuggets. when i was there yesterday, a guy was on the phone telling someone how much he liked the nuggets. i don't think that he specifically called them to tell them, but he liked them so much he was obviously compelled to tell them about the nuggets. anyways, they always have regular dr pepper in the fountain. so drink up. you'll need it to wash down that spicy chicken sandwich.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

panera bread

i don't know if this applies to all of their locations nationwide, but it is a fact that all chicago panera breads have dr pepper in their fountain machines. each week when i go grocery shopping, i stop by the panera bread at canal and roosevelt and get myself a fountain dp. usually with a toasted chocolate chip bagel with plain cream cheese. (and this is my breakfast. well... the first meal of the day. usually around noon.) today was no exception. i needed to go grocery shopping and i didn't even need to go to the whole foods, which is next door. i stopped by for my pre-grocery shopping meal and as always the dp was in stock. i even gave one of the cashiers a scare when i quickly said something about how they always need it in stock. he quickly moved from around the counter and offered to switch out the tank in the back. i had to correct him and say that the dr pepper was in fact working, but that what i had said was that they should always have it. that they should always provide it. i have to say that it's nice to know that they are eager to help me get my fix.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

still working out the kinks...

i'm trying to create my own layout for this blog. and it's proving to be more difficult then expected. but it's slowly working out. like the logo. just finally got it into place. now for what should go to the right of it. we'll see.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

makes me want a diet...

chi-town loves dr pepper

i love dr pepper so much that everywhere i go to eat i ask if they have it. and am disappointed when they don't. i love dr pepper and diet dr pepper. i periodically visit the dr pepper web site and spend crazy amounts of time on it. i have even have an account so i can see if i won any of their contests! i love dr pepper jelly belly jelly beans and bonnie bell's lip smackers lip gloss in dr pepper (though not the taste!). and i think that it should be served at restaurants everywhere!!!!

this blog is for anyone who loves dr pepper and wants to know where they can find it in chicago.