Tuesday, January 5, 2010

panera bread

i don't know if this applies to all of their locations nationwide, but it is a fact that all chicago panera breads have dr pepper in their fountain machines. each week when i go grocery shopping, i stop by the panera bread at canal and roosevelt and get myself a fountain dp. usually with a toasted chocolate chip bagel with plain cream cheese. (and this is my breakfast. well... the first meal of the day. usually around noon.) today was no exception. i needed to go grocery shopping and i didn't even need to go to the whole foods, which is next door. i stopped by for my pre-grocery shopping meal and as always the dp was in stock. i even gave one of the cashiers a scare when i quickly said something about how they always need it in stock. he quickly moved from around the counter and offered to switch out the tank in the back. i had to correct him and say that the dr pepper was in fact working, but that what i had said was that they should always have it. that they should always provide it. i have to say that it's nice to know that they are eager to help me get my fix.

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